After a few decades of contract work on all types of projects, from museum exhibits to research robots, for clients such as CMU, MIT, NASA, DARPA, CMNH, the Smithsonian, and a handful of startups and large companies, Mechanimal is now moving on to the next milestone: making our own. Join in, at whatever level you can, on our Patreon page. Follow along monthly as specimen take shape, receive 8″x10″ artwork in the mail, and even get access to exclusive 3D files and parts lists so that you too can make art that looks back at you.
Check it out:
A special and huge Thanks to our upper tier supporters:
- Matt Hawkins : Top Cow Comics. An incredibly talented writer and businessman, creator of the cutting edge comic Think Tank:
- Ken Burns : Tiny Circuits. The man behind the circuit board system that makes all of my ongoing small robots possible. A local Akron innovator, manufacturing it all right here: